10 Plants vs Zombies Coloring Pages Ideas

Get ready for some wild and wacky Plants vs. Zombies coloring pages that’ll keep you entertained and bring your favorite characters to life!

Sunflower Smiling in the Garden

sunflower smiling in the garden

Sunflower in the garden – a joyful face to color in the midst of greenery and flowers.

Peashooter Battling Zombies

peashooter battling zombies

A Peashooter battling zombies would show the determined plant shooting peas at approaching zombies.

Zombie Wearing Traffic Cone On the Head

zombie wearing traffic cone on the head

The Zombie wearing a traffic cone on the head adds a humorous touch to the coloring pages in a playful manner.

Wall-nut Blocking Zombie Path

wall nut blocking zombie path

Wall-nut acts as a barrier against invading zombies, providing crucial protection within the game.

Cherry Bomb Exploding Near Zombies

cherry bomb exploding near zombies

Cherry Bomb explodes near zombies, bringing a burst of fiery action to the coloring page.

Crazy Dave With His Pot of Plants

crazy dave with his pot of plants

Crazy Dave stands beside his trusty pot of plants, ready for battle.

Snow Pea Chilling the Zombies

snow pea chilling the zombies

Snow Pea: A mischievous plant coolant.

Gargantuar Carrying an Imp Zombie

gargantuar carrying an imp zombie

A humorous coloring page depicting a massive Gargantuar carrying a tiny Imp Zombie on its back.

Coconut Cannon Launching Coconuts

coconut cannon launching coconuts

Coconut Cannon launching coconuts – a powerful plant. It shoots coconuts at zombies. The impact can take out multiple zombies at once. Great addition to your coloring book collection. Let your creativity explode with colors!

Dancing Disco Zombie Summoning Backup Dancers

dancing disco zombie summoning backup dancers

The Dancing Disco Zombie summoning backup dancers brings groove to the zombie apocalypse-themed coloring pages. These colorful characters add a fun twist to the usual zombie invasion. Get ready to color some funky moves on paper with this lively crew.

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